Why not? #poetry #dVerse

Well, I don’t mean to whine about wine
but the problem was always ‘Why not
one glass?
Where’s the problem with that?’
‘Why not?’
‘Say what?’
‘If you really want to know
play the tape forward
then rewind
to find
I’m better off.’

© Experimentsinfiction 2021, All Rights Reserved

Written for dVerse

Linda is hosting dVerse Quadrille and has asked us to write a 44-word poem featuring the word ‘wine.’ At the time of writing, it’s been 621 days since my last drink. Some people can handle alcohol, but I’m just not one of those people. Since giving up alcohol, all manner of remarkable things have happened in my life, not least of which I’ve got my poetry back. So there’s one very good reason ‘why not!’

69 thoughts on “Why not? #poetry #dVerse

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  1. I never got on with alcohol. I drank too much when I was young, saw too many people turn into someone else when drunk, suffered at the hands of an ex, and decided I didn’t like the taste or the effects. I’m so glad you got your poetry back, Ingrid, an excellent reason ‘why not!’ I really enjoyed the wordplay in your quadrille.

  2. 621 days is quite an achievement, one that you can be proud of! And I like your witty poem ☺️

  3. Bless your honesty Ingrid. Alcohol has not touched my lips since 1987. Mine was single malt — until it wasn’t. I like being sober because I like being in control. My addiction is sugar.

  4. Very well done, Ingrid. I knew you didn’t drink, and I wondered what you would do with this prompt. Congratulations on your sobriety and on getting your poetry back!

  5. Amazing, Ingrid. Good for you. I just met a new friend a few weeks ago, 15 years sober. So much wisdom in her, so much strength. I see it in you, too.

  6. 👌🙌 I quite agree. Let’s have herb tea. xoxo 🥳🍵✨🍵🥳 (Next thing I need to quit, is coffee… 😩😆💕👯‍♀️) #ImpossibleMaybe ;))

      1. I don’t know if I ever wanna go to rehab to give up coffee 🥴😅😋

  7. In all my years of growing up, I never once associated our grape vines with wine! To this day, I’d rather snack on a bunch of sweet ripe grapes than have a class of wine! Glad you got your poetry back!!

  8. Very nicely un-wined. Made even more so knowing some of the back-story. Bravo on the many, many days and counting and getting your words back.

  9. “Ah my beloved fill up the cup that clears
    Today of past regrets and future fears
    Tomorrow, why tomorrow I shall be myself
    With yesterday’s seven thousand years”
    Therein lies the attraction, but on the downside it can turn a man in to a monster. I am in awe of your success as I alas lack your fortitude and sometimes drink too much though I don’t turn into a monster I hope. Love the poem. Sorry if I got the quote wrong. Keep up the good work ! !

  10. “in vino veritas” is often quoted, but like you, alcohol may loosen the tongue, but it does not elevate the thought process or creativity. I am proud of my several decades of sobriety, but I really resonate with your premise. Keep up the good work.

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