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Juke Joint #poetry #dVerse

Juke Joint

Juke joint jumping
jive time age of innocence 
(precludes dry-humping)
pony tails and bobby socks
baby boomers rolling on the rocks
apple pie à-la-mode
and I believe 
life tasted good 
back then.
Now the apple’s fallen
blossoming babies pay
too high a price.

© Experimentsinfiction 2021, All Rights Reserved

dVerse is back!

From summer break, and it’s quadrille time again. This time, we have a special guest host to celebrate 10 years of dVerse! It is an honour to be a new member of the team at this exciting time.

For this quadrille, we are asked to include the word ‘juke,’ which takes me back to the baby boom days of the 1950s, which I’ve only ever seen in the movies. An age of affluence in which cars became affordable, and consumer culture was born. I don’t think anyone could envisage back then what the fallout would be, from this and other carbon-hungry activities, only 70 years down the line. Certainly the big oil companies knew about it by the 1980s (when I was growing up) and did a devastatingly good job of covering it up. Now we watch while the world burns.

This is not a criticism of a more innocent age: I’m just wondering how much control any of us had over this thing, or if we’ve been controlled by corporate interests all along.

In keeping with the theme of this poem, a reminder that The Anthropocene Hymnal is now available for pre-order from Amazon. I will be donating all of my sales royalties to WWF.

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