White Heaven #poetry

Underneath the skies of this white heavenmarionettes dancedip and bowcrawlmount a lampostscare the children Seagulls on sticks stalkjellyfish catcherscatch them unawaresthe children’s facesglittering, are painted At the bar, a hen-night princessappears as a mirageor haze of nylon taffetaand disappears into a fruited ciderwhere would-be princesses admire hercaptures her knight-errant, entombs him in a castle tower... Continue Reading →

New Year? Newsletter!

Happy New Year to all of my Dear Readers! I hope you had a wonderful Holiday Season, and managed to recharge your batteries. I enjoyed taking some time out and having fun with my family: the greatest gift of all! As I mentioned earlier, I have lots of exciting plans for EIF in 2022. If... Continue Reading →

EIF Goes into Business!

Exciting news! Experiments in Fiction is now no longer just your favourite poetry and fiction website 🙂 it is also my own small business. This means I have taken a further step towards my dream of making a living from my writing. Of course, the main reason we write is because we love it, but... Continue Reading →

Three new poetry collections!

Good morning and a happy weekend to all of my dear readers, I just wanted to let you know that I am currently working on not one, not two, but three new poetry collections! One will be a chapbook of lyrical love poetry so unashamedly romantic that I'm not sure any publisher will touch it,... Continue Reading →

1000 Readers = 1000 Thank-yous!

I say '1000 Readers' rather than '1000 Followers' because WordPress is different to Instagram or Twitter or Facebook. First of all, I don't count it as social media, although it's certainly a social space. It's primarily a Content Management System (where you can create and publish content) and a Blogging Platform (where you can regularly... Continue Reading →

The Quarantine Diaries #44: Letting Go

Sometimes I have trouble letting go. Whether it's a fixed idea, an obsession, or my feelings about a particular person or thing. Without the ability to let go, however, there can be little peace of mind or spiritual progress in life. So I'm actively (or should that be 'passively'?) learning to let go when I... Continue Reading →

The Quarantine Diaries #42: One Year On

It's exactly a year since I started this 'Quarantine Diaries' series. I consider this a kind of 'blogiversary,' as prior to this, I had only posted the odd short story and a few excerpts from my work-in-progress novel. How the world in general, and my life in particular, has changed over this time! The first... Continue Reading →

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